"He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the LORD of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.." Luke 10:2 This verse has been on my heart for the month of April. I have been praying for those already working in the harvest, for those yet to as they do not yet know the Lord, and for those where the number of workers is small. This month I had the privilege to go to Bangladesh to mentor local Training Facilitator's as they held an Initial Equipping for Healing the Wounds of Trauma. The country of Bangladesh has around 1% Christian believers (according to those I was with). It is a country facing increasing persecution from the predominate Islamic religion. Yet, the believers are strong, persistent, bold, and witnessing to those around them and trusting the Lord to bring more workers to their field. I wonder if I am as bold with my unbelieving neighbors and family? Am I diligent and faithful to pray for more workers, trusting the Lord to bring fruit from the harvest? Would you pray with me for those in Bangladesh?Here are some prayer requests to reflect on:
With love, Misty An email sent from the Bangladesh Bible Society: Thanks for your help - especially for Master facilitator Misty Bodkins. She is an excellent training facilitator. We learned a lot from her. We learned some new ideas and new ways of facilitating. So it was a nice and successful initial equipping session for us. We are hoping in the near future to have her help again. ![]() Prayer requests and praises:
Would you prayerfully consider becoming a partner of Misty Bodkins in 2019? There are 2 ways you may donate to Misty at Ministry Care. You can make checks payable to “Ministry Care” and send them to:
Ministry Care 14934 Pacer Ct. Carmel, IN 46032 Or you can also make an online donation, using Givelify, on our website at www.ministrycareinternational.org Ministry Care is a 501c3 therefore your donation will be tax deductible. If you have any questions feel free to email us as [email protected]
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AuthorMisty Bodkins has a Master's degree in clinical psychology. She has worked both stateside and internationally doing counseling, training, teaching, and research. Her passion is working with people who are in crisis. Archives
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