Gary Reed, founder and president of Ministry Care and licensed mental health counselor, initially saw the need for and proposed Ministry Care in November of 2009. It was originally started for St. Louis area churches and missionaries connected to these churches. Harvester Christian Church was the primary sponsoring church in the first year, then 5 other churches in the metro area allowed Gary to work with their church staff, etc. In 2010, Gary made trips to Zimbabwe and Cambodia, working with mission teams at that time and then later traveled to and worked in Nicaragua and Mexico. He also began working in partnership with mission organizations, such as Team Expansion and ACMI.
In the pilot project for Ministry Care, Gary had already been in ministry for over 20 years, working alongside many others in ministry. He believed the Lord lead him to develop a program to facilitate the health of ministers and church staff, along with their family members. Ministry Care was launched then as a pilot project among the staff at Harvester Christian Church.
Gary's own personal history played a role in his development of Ministry Care. He left the staff at Harvester Christian Church in 2005, after dealing with a form of burnout called 'compassion fatigue'. This is what Gary has to say, "primarily I was emotionally drained and had difficulty ministering on Sundays with people I had counseled in my office. At that time, I didn’t realize how my people pleasing personality was choking the life out of me and I lived the myth that ministers were not allowed to have problems.
While finding God’s healing within myself and with my family, God provided me the opportunity to develop specific knowledge and training regarding employee health (self care). I believe this training is essential in helping people in ministry, along with their family members, to remain healthy leaders while ministering to others."
As a result, the idea for Ministry Care was founded. The purpose of Ministry Care is to facilitate health in all aspects of ministry leaders in order to assist leaders to be productive, maintain effectiveness and longevity in ministry. Ministry Care then filed as a non-for-profit (filed) agency in collaboration with local church and ministry organizations to provide resources and professional services to all who inquire.
In its original and ongoing foundation, the value of Ministry Care was as follows:
In the beginning, some of the services Ministry Care provided:
** Services at no charge to members due to financial support by local churches, individuals and organizational sponsors.
In the pilot project for Ministry Care, Gary had already been in ministry for over 20 years, working alongside many others in ministry. He believed the Lord lead him to develop a program to facilitate the health of ministers and church staff, along with their family members. Ministry Care was launched then as a pilot project among the staff at Harvester Christian Church.
Gary's own personal history played a role in his development of Ministry Care. He left the staff at Harvester Christian Church in 2005, after dealing with a form of burnout called 'compassion fatigue'. This is what Gary has to say, "primarily I was emotionally drained and had difficulty ministering on Sundays with people I had counseled in my office. At that time, I didn’t realize how my people pleasing personality was choking the life out of me and I lived the myth that ministers were not allowed to have problems.
While finding God’s healing within myself and with my family, God provided me the opportunity to develop specific knowledge and training regarding employee health (self care). I believe this training is essential in helping people in ministry, along with their family members, to remain healthy leaders while ministering to others."
As a result, the idea for Ministry Care was founded. The purpose of Ministry Care is to facilitate health in all aspects of ministry leaders in order to assist leaders to be productive, maintain effectiveness and longevity in ministry. Ministry Care then filed as a non-for-profit (filed) agency in collaboration with local church and ministry organizations to provide resources and professional services to all who inquire.
In its original and ongoing foundation, the value of Ministry Care was as follows:
- Places priority on members’ health which impacts those they serve.
- Immediate assistance with convenient phone and e-mail access.
- Confidential services and resources, protecting members’ privacy.
- Increases ministry productivity, effectiveness and longevity.
- Intervenes in urgent situations, providing critical care and support.
- Free services to ministry leaders, staff and family members.
In the beginning, some of the services Ministry Care provided:
- Web-site for members to access helpful articles, resources and professional services.
- Bimonthly E-letters, plus handouts to participants and their family members.
- 1-4 counseling sessions with MC professional counselor at no charge **.
- Free phone and e-mail consultations.
- On site staff training and educational resources.
- Monthly office visits by a designated MC professional.
- Crisis intervention (on site) including phone/e-mail consultations.
** Services at no charge to members due to financial support by local churches, individuals and organizational sponsors.
Ministry Care continued under Gary's leadership for the next 7 years. He then had a change in jobs and he and his wife moved from the St. Louis area to Nashville, Tennessee. As a result, due to the change in responsibilities and job, Ministry Care was not fully operational. Gary and Misty Bodkins originally met stateside as a result of the work he did in Zimbabwe, where Misty was serving at that stage, training a Zimbabwean woman to run a counseling ministry. Gary and the board of directors had been praying about the direction for Ministry Care and if it is was time to go ahead and shut it down. That is when Gary contacted Misty to ask her to pray about taking it over.
Misty Bodkins came on board as Executive Director in October of 2016. Misty has served as a missionary in Zimbabwe, Africa and other locations from 2007 to 2014. Her background is in clinical psychology and she has a focus on helping those in crisis and through trauma. She believes in the value of Ministry of Presence-being present and available to walk alongside those who are suffering. She looks forward to the continued development of Ministry Care and is excited to serve with them!
In the US we can stop and think about our options if we are going through a difficult time or a crisis and need assistance. We can easily look in the phone book and find numerous listings for counselors, mental health clinics, and specialized groups. There are other countries around the world however, where this is not so easy and such services may not even exist. For example, Zimbabweans face numerous daily challenges and little assistance.
One area that can be improved upon is the offering of counseling services that offer hope through focusing on Christ. A listening ear and the ability to show the way out of those difficulties is what it takes to turn a heart from despair to hope in Christ.
Misty Bodkins holds a masters degree in clinical psychology and spent 7 years in Zimbabwe, Africa where she worked with and trained Rumbie Pisirai to develop a counseling ministry in Chinhoyi.
Rumbie has finished her undergraduate studies in Counseling and is currently working on her Master’s Degree to be able to not just run the Counseling ministry but to establish a counseling center in Chinhoyi. Rumbie brings insight and wisdom into this ministry by understanding the cultural influences and customs that may have an effect on the counseling session and as a result will help them be better counselors than someone from outside Zimbabwe. Misty has learned valuable lessons and insight into equipping, empowering, and training nationals as well as the need for care for missionaries on the field. She is excited to come on board as Executive Director of Ministry Care and see how the Lord continues to lead!
One area that can be improved upon is the offering of counseling services that offer hope through focusing on Christ. A listening ear and the ability to show the way out of those difficulties is what it takes to turn a heart from despair to hope in Christ.
Misty Bodkins holds a masters degree in clinical psychology and spent 7 years in Zimbabwe, Africa where she worked with and trained Rumbie Pisirai to develop a counseling ministry in Chinhoyi.
Rumbie has finished her undergraduate studies in Counseling and is currently working on her Master’s Degree to be able to not just run the Counseling ministry but to establish a counseling center in Chinhoyi. Rumbie brings insight and wisdom into this ministry by understanding the cultural influences and customs that may have an effect on the counseling session and as a result will help them be better counselors than someone from outside Zimbabwe. Misty has learned valuable lessons and insight into equipping, empowering, and training nationals as well as the need for care for missionaries on the field. She is excited to come on board as Executive Director of Ministry Care and see how the Lord continues to lead!